Summer Meeting 2013
Chippenham Golf Club
Report from Brian Watts
On an overcast breezy day thirteen of the fifteen WGC member clubs played for the Inter Club Trophy presented by Tom Sherry in 2007, this year the competition was played at Chippenham Golf Club.
It was an opportunity for many of the players to use the new Club House which was opened in December last year. Two of the new holes are in use with the remainder expected to be ready early next year.
The competition was enjoyed by all, the Chippenham Captain sponsored two nearest the pin holes to raise money for his Captains Charity.
The winner of the first nearest the pin was Dave O’Brien from Kingsdown the second being won by Bryan Arthur from Marlborough.
Runners up to the Trophy winners on count back were “The Wiltshire” with 112 points the team consisting of Mark Davies, Tim Davies, Mike Williams & Allan Wood.
The overall winners with a score of 114 points were the team from Kingsdown consisting of Jim Donald, Ian Carey, Ian Lund & Dave O’Brien.
Dave O’Brien from Kingsdown who won nearest the pin on the 5th
Brian Arthur who won nearest the pin on the 13th
“The Wiltshire” team Mark Davies, Tim Davies, Mike Williams & Allan Wood. Runners Up
Overall winners of the Tom Sherry Inter Club Trophy
Kingsdown team Jim Donald, Ian Carey, Ian Lund & Dave O’Brien.