Wiltshire Golf Captains v Worcester Golf Captains

Brilliant report from Ian Wood, worth all the time it must have taken

I wonder how many out there will emulate this next year.

Perhaps we could have a prize for the best?

With the golf season soon passing by

Could Wiltshire end up on a high?

Captain Tom and his team

Were prepared it would seem

For victory, ‘gainst Worcester or die

Our first played with much heart and soul

Two up after 2 ... on a roll

But things started to slide

After four they were tied

And before long were losing control

Now Irwin and Tom they were beat

Captain Paul hit five birdies a feat!

With defeat now so certain

They brought down the curtain

Retired  to the bar   -took a seat

Next up came O’Brien and Guy

After nine they were both on a high

Two up at the turn

At the end they would earn

A victory for Wilts, my oh my!

The next three could have gone either way

Just one and a half you could say

After six we were down

Captain Tom had a frown

Could it be just be just three wins since May!

At seven came Ian and Bill

A win 6 and 5 what a thrill!

So it was down to the last

Jim and Dave were now cast

As heroes or villains –boots to fill

Alas though it wasn’t to be

They got beat by a margin of three

Worcester had won

We’d all had some fun

And a great game of golf, (except me!)

Apologies to Keats, Shelley, Byron and any anybody with a modicum of poetic  talent.

Thanks to all the guys that played especially those who filled vacancies at a late stage.

Ian Wood

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