Wiltshire GC v Lady Past Captain
Cumberwell Park Golf Club
4th June 2014
The day before the match with the Ladies the forecast looked ominous with showers throughout the day however on the day things turned out a little differently.....
It rained solidly all afternoon. However the hardy souls of Wiltshire did not let a bit of rain and a danger of trench foot stop them venturing onto the Orange nine at Cumberwell (The highest part of the course with little or no shelter)
Captain Steve and current Cumberwell Captain Martin Cooper led the way but couldn’t overcome Ladies Captain Margaret and her partner Ann eventually losing 4 & 3.
The following matches fared better however and 6 of the last 7 teams turned out winners. It should be noted however that 5 of those matches went down to the last hole.
The game was followed by some fine food and wine and Captain Margaret graciously accepted the wooden spoon presented by Steve.
Ian Wood -