Match report Wiltshire Golf Captains v Ladies Past Captains
What sort of idiots play golf in that weather!
Ogbourne Downs showed all of its teeth with gale force winds, heavy rain, hail and thunder. However, this did not deter the 32 ladies and gentlemen who, after a light lunch of soup and sandwiches were sent out to brave the elements by our starter Shirley Solomon.
Some matches gave up the struggle after 9 holes, others soldiered on before conceding defeat and walking in from various parts of the course. Our Captain, David Ruffett bravely led his match to the 18th.
At the request of the ladies a new format was tried and two mixed teams were created which resulted in a win for the Ladies Captain, Maggie Morgan.
A two course dinner was enjoyed with many tales of the afternoon’s adventures being discussed. Despite the weather everyone had enjoyed the day.
Dick Solomon
Match Secretary